June 19, 2009


Thanks for dropping by ;o) Either you're a new visitor or an old one - pls. click HERE so you can view my latest posts. I have my own domain for shewrites and it would be very much appreciated if you can share your thoughts.

God Bless...


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


***view original post here ***
My friend Cindy and I went to visit a baby boy named Jeff Andrei Las Pinas. My heart was moved when I saw him… Like Meimei, he too has imperforate anus (read my post if you don’t know what it is). The sad thing about it is little Je-An has congenital heart disease – a hole in his heart and biventricular enlargement. Like Meimei too, Je-An has colostomy, however, he can’t proceed with the 2nd operation (PSARP Surgery) unless his heart goes through an open heart surgery. He has difficulty in breathing – as in gasping for air. At the age of 5 months, he can only consume a maximum of 2 oz every 2-3hrs or else he may experience more difficulty in breathing. Unless his heart is repaired, baby Je-An won’t grow… At 5 months, he is still wearing his new born clothes because he only weighs about 5 – 6lbs. Considered as blue baby, his new born weight was only 4lbs.

Baby Je-an’s family’s livelihood is barely enough to support the daily needs of their family much more to have the resources for the heart surgery which is estimated to cost about PHP 500,000 (approximately $10,500). So I am asking you to join me in helping him live a better life… His mom and grandmother shared to us that Je-an had experienced many times a 50-50 chance of survival, but he has a very strong WILL TO LIVE, let’s give him that chance…
Here are several ways you can help:

1. Pray for Jeff Andrei Las Pinas and his family – they need this everyday
2. Spread the word and ask more people to help. Inform me if you will repost this in your blog or write a note and please ask them to email

3. Extend financial assistance – any amount will do. Please leave a comment and email me at then I’ll give you the details on how you can send the money.

SHARE YOUR BLESSINGs. Always remember that we are blessed to be a channel of blessing to many.

“He who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and HE will reward him for what he has done”. – Proverbs 19:17

“He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.” - Proverbs 28:27

May the Lord bless you…

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