June 19, 2009


Thanks for dropping by ;o) Either you're a new visitor or an old one - pls. click HERE so you can view my latest posts. I have my own domain for shewrites and it would be very much appreciated if you can share your thoughts.

God Bless...


Saturday, November 22, 2008



My brother fell inlove with his best friend back when he was in his teens, but he never had the chance to tell her how he felt, up to this day. The reason? He was afraid of losing the friendship because he feared the thought: "What if she didn't have the same feelings for me? Then I would lose her forever..." So he never tried, not then, not ever. One of my girl friends almost lost her sanity when her best friend of 10 years got married to his girlfriend of several months. She thought it wasn't fair. Sounds like My Best Friend's Wedding movie huh? But it's true...However, I married my best friend. It was tough at the beginning, the transition from being best friends to lovers, but it was wonderful having to marry someone you know so well and who knows me really deep too. Our personalities are different - he's patient and I'm impatient, he probably uses only 10,000 words a day while I use 100,000 =) and he's a bit passive while I'm active. Oh, our cultures are different too - he's Chinese and I'm Filipina. In our differences, we compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses. But we share the same faith and calling which are, for me, very important.

How about you? If you're already married, did you marry your best bud? If you're still single, do you think it would be wise to marry your best friend?

A. Yes, marry best friend
B. No, marry someone else
C. Others (pls. specify)

A. Yes, marry best friend

B. No, marry someone else

C. Others (pls. specify)

Friday, November 21, 2008



I'll go straight to the point, I dread winter =( It's too cold for me. Taking a bath / shower is a struggle, really! And to think of the time we use putting on tons of lotion and moisturizers to keep our skin hydrated. The layers of clothes we have to consider putting on myself and my son. I don't know if it's because I was raised in a country (The Philippines) with no winter feeling at all, or it's really a dreaded season by most people. My son and I got sick because I think our bodies are adjusting to the super dry and extremely cold season. But to be fair to this time of the year, I'll write 2 things I like in winter:

1. the SNOW - last winter was our first time to experience snow and I admit it was FUN playing with my husband, my baby and my friend Cathy. But because of my ignorance, I had a terrible frost bite all over my feet...oh my it was painful!

2. foods last longer than their expiration date - of course, it's like we're all inside the refrigerator...grr... I often tell friends: "At least I get to relate to how the fish and chicken feel when we place them in the freezer!"

Anyway, how about you? Do you like winter? If you do, maybe you can suggest something to help me like it the way you do! Who knows... I may like it sooooommmmeeeday! =D

A. Yes, I like winter (suggestions pls.)
B. No, I don't like winter
C. Others (pls. specify)

Thursday, November 20, 2008



Two weeks ago, my husband and I watched The Unit on DVD. If you're familiar with The Unit, these group of men and their wives are loyal to their country and they answer to the President directly. The last episode we saw had an interesting question that kept me wondering: If you were to choose between loyalty to your friend and your country, which will you choose? You can't choose both because your life long friend is suspected to be doing an illegal thing which is subject to lifetime imprisonment. Or your best friend who happens to be a politician, squanders the public's money for his personal gains...I treasure friendships so much but I am also for standing for what's right... I will try my best to convince my friend to turn away from his illegal activities, but if he won't =( I don't know if I will be able to afford seeing that life long friend in jail for the rest of his life, leaving his wife and his kids...

How about you? Will you choose...
A. Loyalty to friend
B. Loyalty to country
C. Others (pls. specify)


A. Loyalty to friend

B. Loyalty to country

C. Others (pls. specify)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Ooops, this is not a scam. I'm not here to promote a get rich quick concept. I simply just want to know if you want to or not =D Most people would probably say yes, but I know someone who doesn't want to. She actually came from a wealthy family but she blames her family's wealth for the chaos in their household. Her brothers go their separate ways because each one has a car, her parents go their separate ways as well because they're too busy doing their thing and she's left all alone at home most of the time. This topic was raised in one of our discussions and she said that someday, when she has her own family, she wouldn't want to get rich... Inspite this story, I want to get rich. I want to help my parents pay off their debt, I want all my children, nieces and nephews to go to school, and I want to help pastors live a better life. I love to give and if I have more, I belive I can give a whole lot more than what I'm giving now... A friend once told us if he were rich, he would buy an airplane for the church so that missionaries don't have to worry where to get the money to pay for their tickets.

How about you? Do you want to get rich?

A. Yes, because...
B. No, because...
C. Others (pls. specify)


A. Yes, because...

B. No, because...

C. Others (pls. specify)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



My sister-in-law poshpost suggested this topic because I think her computer is situated in a weird location - dining area. hihi... But she said she likes it there because her room is really hot. She just likes it there =D As for me, my computer is in my bedroom. I have a desktop with a 19" monitor so there are times my husband and I watch movies in the comforts of our room. There are nights we download stuff from the net and we leave it running overnight. But sometimes in the middle of the night, my husband wakes up to check if the downloading's done. If it is, he turns the computer off and goes back to sleep - that way we don't waste electricity. =D

How about you? Where do you place your computer?

A. Bedroom
B. Study room
C. others (pls. specify)


A. Bedroom

B. Study room

C. others (pls. specify)

Monday, November 17, 2008



Today, my blog is 7 days old and I just want to take this time to say THANK YOU to all of you for the warm welcome you've given me. As a new blogger, it is so encouraging to read your thoughts and see you following my blog. You bet I've learned a lot and not a day passed that I haven't shared your responses with my husband =D Unfortunately he didn't agree that my son's brain is like mine, hihi. I also learned that in the Philippines, we use the term "let's take a bath" but for most of you, you say shower - so I guess this brought confusion to some - sorry for that. I was also able to help a friend start his own blog and he's very happy with blogging too. This past week was truly wonderful and I hope I can gain more friends through blogging.

Thank you for your support. Should there be topics you want me to blog about, you can freely suggest them. This blog is for everyone's enjoyment - nothing to do with judging what's right or what's wrong as your comments shall be treated as opinions.

Do you have topics you want us to discuss in this blog? Or are there topics you DON'T want to discuss?

A. I suggest we talk about...

B. I suggest we don't talk about...

C. Others (pls. specify)

Sunday, November 16, 2008



I've read once in an article that most first borns have the looks of their father, but the brain of their mothers...hmm... But I don't know if this is true or false. I'm not really sure if our eldest brother looks like our mom or dad. My son (Elisha Joey) looks more like his dad as what most people say. As to the brain, my son is very smart so I can accept that his brain is more like mine (just don't tell his dad ok? hihi). My brother in law looks more like my mother in law's dad. My sister in law looks like her dad. This leaves me wondering if first borns around the globe look more like mom or dad. =)

How about in your family? Does the first born look like mom or dad? Wheter single or married, I believe there's a first born in your family =D

A. looks like mom

B. looks like dad

C. Others (pls. specify)

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