SHE WRITES:When I was in the Philippines, I took a bath anytime I wanted or needed one. It didn't matter if the sun was up or down. All that mattered was if I think I needed one, I'll just go ahead and take a bath. When I was pregnant, I even took a bath 3 times a day in the summer!
When I came to China last year, I learned that most (if not all) Chinese takes a bath at night. When they wake up the next morning, they just brush their teeth, wash their face and rush through the day. Most Filipinos however take a bath in the morning but before we retire at night, we have half baths (washing the body but not the hair). This difference raised an argument between my husband and his co-worker... Our Chinese friends think bath time at night is BEST so they can have a good night sleep. My husband and I think the BEST time to take a bath is in the morning so you can have a fresh start.
How about you? When do you think is the BEST time to take a bath?
A. at night
B. in the morning
C. others (pls. specify)
YOU WRITE: (please read
comments portion for the FULL version of the comments posted)
A. at nightbrooke: I prefer the evening and the fresh scent of my lotion follows me to my bed and let's me sleep better. PLUS I am not a morning person. ;)
jenners: A - At night. I took your question very literally--a bath in a tub vs. a shower. I rarely take baths (I usually clean via the quicker and more efficient shower in the mornings) but when I do, it is a full-blown production with bubbles, music, candles, a good book/magazine and my little bath pillow.
don: I like to take baths at night, so I can just relax and soak away stress. The morning feels too rushed to take a bath, so I take a shower in the morning.
jada's gigi: I like nighttime baths. I like ending the day with a relaxig shower just before bed. I like to feel all clean when I crawl between my sheets.
saija: i usually shower at night ... after a day of doing, i like to go to sleep showered ... and i don't like water on me in the mornings (plus in a cold country - it seems that much colder to shower in the morning!) ...
ha.ha.wait.what?: I take my shower at night, so I can do the long process of drying and straightening my hair. (That way I don't have to get up early in the morning to do it.)
every photo tells a story: I like to take a long, hot bath at night when I can wind down for bed.Very relaxing and soothing.
B. in the morningposhpost: for me, it is in the morning. i can't go out or start work without taking a bath. i just take a bath as needed throughout the day, but a morning bath is a must for me. :D
meggie: We always shower in the morning, to begin our day. If it has been a hot day, we also shower in the evening, so we are refreshed to sleep.Any time is OK!@
C. others (pls. specify)nancy: What an interesting question.. I think it depends on what you do all day...It all depends.
mary: I take a bath in the mornings because it helps me to wake up and to feel fresh. I give my boys a bath at night because it helps them to sleep better.
marriage markers: i take a bath in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and then in the evening, before hitting the sack. i don't like going to bed without washing off the day's dirt and grime. lol
flowers: i take a bath throughout the day, sometimes up to 5 times, especially when it is really hot. where i stay, the place is really hot, so i sweat a lot. so i just hit the shower whenever i feel the need to cool off.
henry the dog: Never. My mum never baths me. A nice lady called Claire comes round from time to time and clips my hair off, but mum doesn't believe in bathing dogs.
lee: Ever since the advent of the (supposedly non-existent) climate change and its associated water restrictions we have only had showers. Sniff!I used to have baths in the evening. I always shower in the morning.
ruth: I have two answers to your question. If I shower, which is most days, it's in the morning. If I take a bath (fill the tub with warm water), which is rare, it's at night, and that is rare because it uses a lot of water.
pauline: What an interesting way to learn other customs! For me, when I bathe depends on how dirty I've gotten during the day. If I shower at night (after a day of gardening or hiking etc.), then I merely wash up in the morning.
zunnur: Taking a bath in the morning and in the evening is almost a must for me and most of the people in my country.
philip: Both day and night. I wouldn't dare going out of the house in the morning without taking a bath. And I wouldn't dare to smell bad in my dreams...I might end up having a nightmare!
why: Sometimes I love to shower in the morning, when I need to wake myself up quickly, but I also like to take a nice bath right before bed. It depends. I don't follow a set schedule.